Wall Sound Insulation Systems
JCW Silent board is a simple, but incredibly effective overlay wall acoustic system that consists of a 15mm acoustic resilient layer laminated to a 12.5mm layer of acoustic grade plasterboard. This board can be applied to either masonry or stud walls and would reduce flanking noise up and down walls. The practical, thin build up ensures little compromise on living space without compromising high performance and also act as a fire retardant. JCW Silent Board complies with the requirement contained in the 2003 edition of Approved Document Part E.
The JCW Barrier Matting is easy to work with on most walls surfaces. It is supplied in 5m x 1200mm size that allows it to be installed in continuous vertical lengths with vertical joints centrally between the studs or metal work. The waste is minimal, if at all. These boards can be used with resilient bars to achieve even more acoustic reducing values.
JCW RR20 Multi-Purpose Mat is a high performance, sound absorbing and impact dampening cost effective polyurethane bound rubber granulate material, which will retain its acoustic properties throughout a long and maintenance free lifespan. JCW RR20 is typically used sandwiched between an internal flat solid plastered wall and plasterboard layers or sandwiched between two plasterboard layers.
JCW Acoustic Quilt is a premium acoustic partition roll that is manufactured by sandwiching a 2mm acoustic barrier membrane between 2 layers of 25mm mineral wool. It can be fitted between studs f metal or timber partition walls. The sound barrier properties of the acoustic membrane are complemented and enhanced by the absorption qualities of the mineral wool.