Top Ten Priorities when Moving into a New Home

Latest poll results regarding top priorities of UK citizen when considering moving into a new home show that proper insulation and therewith connected energy efficiency and reduction of carbon emissions are very highly ranked.

Namely, the results of the research conducted by Strutt and Parker with OnePoll show that improved energy efficiency goes as high as tenth most preferable feature of a new home. As the results show, this is best achieved through proper home insulation and upgraded windows, according to the majority of the respondents. As it is indicated, installing these measures can drastically improve the nations’ level of energy efficiency and environmental protection.

These results do not come as a surprise considering the fact that there have been many green projects developed and implemented and also many studies conducted showing that even the simplest (read not to expensive) insulation measures can go a long way and contribute to the energy efficiency of every home, thus improving the overall quality of life of its inhabitants and also lowering their utility bills. This starts with, as the results show, with proper window glazing through boiler enhancements and finally proper wall (both cavity and masonry), ceiling (or loft) and floor insulation. All these measures can improve airtightness of an average household and control potential thermal bridges.

It is interesting to notice that among high rated priorities are the size and type of the household (where three bedroom homes and detached farm cottages were highly ranked) and its location whereas a vast number of respondents opted for rural settings and villages (even 23,3% opted for rural environments and 22,9% for villages). As Cameron Ewer, head of Strutt and Parker, well noted: "The survey results from our research team paint an interesting picture - the quintessential British farmhouse surrounded by quiet countryside clearly remains an enduring ideal for many."

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