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High Energy Bills Troubling UK Households

High Energy Bills Troubling UK Households

With winter months practically upon us, heating bills once again become a burning issue for UK households. It does not come as a surprise that it takes a lot of money to maintain a stable and comfortable inner temperature when the temperature outside drops, due to inadequate (if any) insulation and not to mention old and poorly maintained building structures. It is not uncommon for people having to give up on some everyday necessities just in order of keeping their home warm and regularly paying energy bills.

Bearing in mind the importance of the issues, some energy suppliers have conducted independent researches in reference to all the troubles that average UK homeowners face when trying to keep their home warm. One such survey has been developed by the UK energy supplier Co-operative Energy and the results they have come across are very interesting but a bit worrying. Namely, almost 50% of the surveyed consumers state that the payment of energy bills shall be their most important expense during winter, whereas 46% of the consumers expect for their energy bills to be much harder to pay than in the previous year and over 50% will have to cut their expenses elsewhere in order of paying the bills. This includes many households giving up their summer vacations, electrical goods, clothes and even putting some money aside during the year so that the bills can be paid on time. What is even more concerning is the fact that over 80% of consumers believe that they are paying too much for energy bills.

The above mentioned data raises the question on the reasoning behind such high energy consumption and consequentially higher energy bills. What may shine some light on the issue is another research conducted by Worcester Bosch Group, boiler manufacturing company that suggests that one in 20 people turn their heating on during September, then one in five leave their heating on all day long, regardless of whether they are at home or not, while only almost two thirds heat the entire household, including unoccupied rooms. All this leads to serious energy losses and thus higher energy bills. However, apart from energy savings that could derive from more economical behavior that includes rational use of energy (e.g. turning the lights and heating off when we leave our home, not overheating our home but keeping the temperature at a constant and stable level, air sealing and draught proofing, using our electrical appliances smartly), there are more useful measures that can help every average UK household lower energy consumption and save money on energy bills. One such measure includes proper insulation of some of the most vulnerable parts of your home, such as your insulating your loft and adding some insulation material into your cavity walls can go a long way. This goes not only for the named spaces but also the rest of your home. You will notice that you can find insulation materials that are not too costly but can really make a difference regarding your energy bills. Another important fact that people are usually not aware of is that the Government and energy suppliers offer certain grants that could lower your insulation costs and give you that initial push. This is why it is important to firstly find an insulation supplier that will offer you fair prices which will lead to so much less troubling winter this year!


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