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How Important are Carbon Emissions and Energy Efficiency

We all face similar dilemmas when election year is upon us, whereas the final answer to the ultimate question “who to vote for” often depends on not only the political ideology of the party we endorse but often on their plans and policies on relevant issues that could (and will) affect our lives on both short and long run. This usually refers to turnouts, deficits, taxes, but another burning topic that has become the center of interest for many voters over the past years refers to reduction of carbon emissions and zero carbon policies.

Namely, we can all notice that politicians are paying much more attention to climate change and environmental protection due to the dangerous effects of global warming (that we are all contributing to). Every political party has included energy and environmental policies into their campaigns, but what differs are the means they plan to use in order of improving energy efficiency, reducing fuel poverty and controlling climate change. For instance, the Labor party is focused on fuel poverty, freezing energy bills and reducing carbon emissions to zero by 2030. Conservatives also insist on affordable energy supply and insulation and energy efficiency measures. SNP is striving for better funding system for energy efficiency schemes such as >ECO while the Green party advocates proper building insulation and investing into renewable energy sources.

Thus, the question remains just how important energy efficiency and reduced carbon emissions are for the population? In order of answering this question, one should consult the Zero Carbon Policy which is a Government tool for achieving targeted carbon emission reductions but also covering some other important issues such as aforementioned fuel poverty and energy security. However, although the policy takes into account only new build homes that should be designed and built as zero carbon homes, there is still the question of existing, especially older homes that are usually built with little or no insulation at all, ultimately affecting their energy performance. This is why it is vital to understand and accept that, in order of achieving targeted carbon emission reductions, each home must be achieve proper energy rating which is best achieved through proper insulation measures that should cover the most vulnerable points within every household. Namely, added insulation will contribute to achieving named goals that are included in the political campaigns such as fighting fuel poverty and climate change and improving energy efficiency.

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