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Basic Info on Cavity Insulation Guarantee Agency

Basic Info on Cavity Insulation Guarantee Agency

Learn About UK CIGA

The studies in the UK have shown that cavity wall insulation is one of the most efficient measures of improving energy efficiency in residential properties and thus reducing harmful greenhouse gasses emissions (primarily CO2). This is why more and more people are interested in investing into their home insulation. However, this usually includes a detailed plan and careful choice of insulation material and professional assistance. Namely, you can only benefit from insulation if the job is done properly and if you can rely on the insulation product to last for many years to come and fulfill its basic purpose – offering protection, improving safety and helping you control temperature fluctuations that affect your home’s inner temperature. This means that, whenever you are installing insulation, you need some kind of guarantee that it is a smart investment. Well, one way of obtaining such guarantee is by using high quality materials and engaging certified professional to do the job. One organization that provides just that is the UK Cavity Insulation Guarantee Agency, why the following few lined will be dedicated to its scope of work.

About Cavity Wall Insulation

The first thing you need to differ is that your walls can be constructed in two basic ways – as solid walls and cavity walls. While solid walls are insulated externally (by adding some insulation material on either inner or outer side of the wall), cavity walls have a cavity within which is the area being insulated. Basically, cavities between the inner and outer leaf of the wall were initially constructed in order of keeping the “bad” weather at a safe distance from the inner leaf of the wall and also for trapping the moisture within the cavity thus keeping the interior protected from external influences. However, in time the hollow between the leafs will no longer serve as a barrier, but the moisture held within will eventually reach the inner side of the wall and cause serious damage. This is why proper insulation is a way of dealing with such issues.

Cavity Wall Insulation

When insulating a cavity wall, you could either opt for a full fill cavity, where the entire cavity is filled with insulation or for a partial fill cavity, where there is still a small gap left between the insulation and the wall. There is a number of insulation materials used for this type of insulation, such as mineral or glass wool (which is the most commonly used material) PIR boards or even polystyrene beads or UF foam. The basic principle of installation is that the material is inserted (injected) into the cavity through carefully cut out holes in the wall, using special blowing equipment. The insulation material will then fill the cavity and add another layer of protection for the interior leaf of the wall.

This type of insulation has many benefits for any household, including:

About CIGA

Now that you are aware of some basics on this type of insulation, it is time to move on to some basic information on Cavity Insulation Guarantee Agency. It is basically an independent organization established in 1995, in consultation with the UK Energy, Environment and Waste Directorate Its basic function is to offer a uniform and independent guarantee in reference to potential problems with insulation materials and/or workmanship.

The process includes a prior assessment of the property carried out by the CIGA registered installer, in order of determining whether it is suitable for cavity wall insulation. Once the assessment has been completed and the work properly carried out, the installed will have to address

CIGA in order of receiving the Guarantee certificate which offers a 25 years guarantee for the insulation installed in residential properties, although a Commercial Guarantee can also be issued for non-residential properties with wall area of up to 1.000 m2.

Home Insulation

The issued Guarantee covers the potential defects in insulation material and workmanship for the validity period and includes technical support and assistance from the CIGA technical department. It is very important to keep the Guarantee safe since it is necessary in case of any claim just as it can be assigned to the new householder, in case the property is sold.

Another valuable information regarding CIGA is the Cavity Wall Insulation Self Certification scheme, developed and administrated in association with the BBA (British Board of Agrèment) and approved by the Department of Communities and Local Government. The cavity insulation scheme basically offers the possibility of the insulation installation work to be carried out by certified installers, thus offering the guarantee that the insulation is in compliance with applicable Building regulations. In this case, the issued CIGA Guarantee also covers the upper mentioned fact – that the cavity wall insulation installed is in accordance with the regulations. 

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